
Grounds Maintenance and Communal Cleaning


Find out how we look after the communal areas of your estate and help to ensure it’s kept it clean and tidy.

Our Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance Service is carried out by our contractors and monitored by our Estate Contract Officers who carry out regular inspections of blocks and estates to identify any issues.

How can I improve my neighbourhood?

Regular feedback from our customers is key for monitoring the work carried out by our contractors.

Our Neighbourhood Housing Managers work with residents to create Neighbourhood Improvement Plans for the blocks of flats and estates they manage. This could include measures to improve safety and security improvement and refuse storage; tackling anti-social behaviour like fly tipping; or some additional hard or soft landscaping to improve the look and feel of the area.

If you would like to share feedback about your estate or block or you have an idea for an improvement where you live, please contact us.


Hedge cutting season

Hedges on communal land are generally cut back twice a year, usually in late July or August (to avoid bird nesting season) and then again in late autumn.

Works consist of trimming back that season’s growth on the sides and top of the hedge, to make sure that hedges are left looking neat and tidy and do not overhang public footpaths. Our contractors should remove all trimmings from site when they're done.

Grass Cutting season

Grass cutting will normally start late February or early March and will run through to late autumn.

Cutting will take place, on average, every two weeks but may be more or less frequently depending on the growing conditions.

The grass cuttings will be collected after the first cut of the year but after this are left on site. All paths should be swept clear of cuttings, please contact us on 01892 501480 if this hasn’t happened.
