Our approach to items left in communal areas

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As well as being at risk of being stolen, items stored in communal areas also increase the risk of a fire occurring. To help reduce fire risks, we will remove items found in communal areas.

Where items appear to be rubbish or are highly flammable (such as petrol or paint), we will remove them immediately.

For other items, we will do our best to find out who they belong to so we can work with them to get it removed.

However, we aren’t required to give notice before removing an item from a communal area, and in some cases removing an item immediately is the best option to keep everyone in the building safe.

If we do remove your item, we can’t take responsibility if it is damaged during the process, and we can’t offer any form of compensation.

In some cases, after removing an item we store it for up to 28 days.

The first step is to talk to your Housing Manager to check if we’ve removed your item. It could be that a neighbour has moved it, or someone else has taken it.

If we have it in our store then, depending on the type of item, there may have been a cost involved in moving it. There could also be a cost to storing and returning the item to you. If that’s the case, we’d let you know how much.

We know that any unplanned payments like this can be difficult to meet, so if you’re concerned about money, then please do get in touch with our Money Support Team. You can contact them via info@tch.org.uk or by calling 01892 501480.

Storing items in communal areas can:

  • Increase the risk of a fire occurring.
  • Obstruct and slow down the emergency services.
  • If your building has an evacuation policy, or if a fire occurs and the Fire Brigade tell you to get out, items left in communal areas will also slow you and your neighbours down from getting to safety.

If you find items are blocking communal areas or fire escapes in your building, or if you have any questions on any of the above, please contact us to let us know. You can email us via info@tch.org.uk or call us on 01892 501480.

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